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Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.

1 John 4:4

14 lesson Bible study

This study is meant to be a personal journey.  

God has given us a glorious mission, and there is a war raging against it.  

We need to get serious about our purpose and our preparation as God’s army.  

Each lesson focuses on scripture and personal reflection.  

Spend time with the questions.  Dig in to the scriptures.

It’s time to join the fight.



We are in a battle.  Daily we fight the evil that attempts to surge against all of

God’s goodness.  Sometimes it feels like evil rises, as if it wins again and again.

But don’t be deceived.

Victory - all battles are already won.

We walk in victory.

We don’t walk in fear or wander uncertain.

We are on a battleground, as long as evil still resides, but we know the outcome.

We know the Champion - personally.

And He is GREATER.

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