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Jonna Yarbrough


I have a list of roles and beautiful blessings, but above all I seek to love and honor the LORD. God is my passion and priority.  I am nothing without Him, so I strive to keep my focus and obedience aligned with His Word. 


My greatest joys are in my family.  My husband, Kevin, is my best friend.  He is amazing, and the LORD is leading our family through his faithful heart.  We have 4 precious kids.  They fill my life with love, laughter,

and . . .laundry. 

There's nothing better than watching your own children choose to love and serve the LORD.  I am so thankful as I watch them grow.


I was a public school teacher for 17 years, but now home school our two youngest to accommodate some needs for our youngest daughter.


We love adoption, and you can learn more about our adoption journey here:


At times, God has called us to take risks and exercise some big faith, but He always proves faithful.  Most recently, God led us to start a church in our home, Living Stones Church.

Following His lead always brings the best joys in the midst of the struggles.  He is truly, always GREATER.

My other studies and resources

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