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Jonna Yarbrough


Jonna and her husband, Kevin, live in a small community outside of Clarksville, Tennessee.  It’s always been home to both of them, so they are surrounded by family.  All this love makes it a perfect place to raise their four children.  Jonna homeschools the two youngest, while the oldest two attend public school where Kevin teaches (which also happens to be their alma mater).  The kids are active in sports, and the whole family spends lots of time outside, playing and working.  


Their roots are deep in this community, but together, they seek to offer it all to God’s control and leading. God has called them to surrender their lives and plans in various ways over the years.  The most beautiful surrender was to adoption that eventually took them on a trip around the world.  Another is a journey they continue to walk as they plant and lead a new church. Kevin and Jonna know and trust in God’s faithfulness.  They have seen His love and miracles span the globe and shine light right in their own neighborhood.


Jonna was a teacher for 17 years before making the change to homeschooling.  She has served in church ministry since she was a youth helping with younger children.  She has worked in youth, children’s, and women’s ministries in various capacities for more than 20 years.  She believes ministry begins at home and loves seeing her own children choose to serve the LORD.  She is passionate about sharing the love and Truth that can only be found in Jesus and hopes to help others grow in their faith and commitment to Him.

**excerpt from book - info current at publication**


Why do I write?

I scribble and make notes in a personal journal with my study time, but writing to share comes from a different place.  I only post and publish when I feel a special churning in my spirit. Sometimes a message or topic will run on repeat and burn inside like “fire shut up in my bones.” (Jeremiah 20:9)  It’s a word intended to leave; a word to give.  That word always begins with me first.  I am the first student and recipient.  Any teaching or topic I share has first convicted or guided me.  I don’t share it after “mastering” it.  I share it because, as disciples, we journey together following one Master.  The writing process guided by the Holy Spirit is precious and unique in my life.  The LORD provides pieces and parts and revelations that originate outside of my own mind and understanding.  Each new piece sends me scrambling for my notebook, desperate to retain His message.  As I seek to be a vessel, He provides and teaches and inspires.  Writing for me is a way to share.  It’s an act of obedience.


“LORD, help me to never bury a word You have given.”   (Matthew 25:18)




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Bible Study

This is a concise and focused study for personal devotions.

God has given us a glorious mission, and there is a war raging against it.  

We need to get serious about our purpose and our preparation as God’s army.  

Each lesson focuses on scripture and personal reflection.  

Spend time with the questions.  Dig in to the scriptures.

It’s time to join the fight.

Find out more here.

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Devotional Blog

This is my devotional blog based on Hebrews 10:16 -

"This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord.
I will put my laws in their minds, and I will write them on their hearts.”

Check it out here.

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Before I had even finished the SURRENDER Bible study, God began moving my heart for a continuation.  In Matthew 22, Jesus quickly connected the second commandment to the first. There's no way to separate the two in a surrendered life.

Matthew 22:39

This Bible study is in progress . . .

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