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Jesus has come to be Savior and Lord. In receiving salvation, you have given Him your life. Surrender is part of the deal. It's not separate from salvation; it's actually the only way to experience the salvation you've been given. But, this surrender is not a "white flag" to an enemy; it is running into Love; it is falling into open arms. This surrender removes the barrier that keeps you from God's blessing and purpose.



- from Chapter 3 "The Freedom"

Copyright © 2021 Jonna Yarbrough.

The Shallow

In the shallow, we have a plan that won't fail. We feel confident in the timeline, our abilities, and the resources. When we want to stay in control, we attempt what we can achieve and avoid any real risk. We like to control our schedules, our careers, our ministries - basically our entire future. With control, all of life's plans have a predictable outcome.


In the shallow, we plan and function based on what we know and what we can see.


The Deep

The deep is where God is leading and sustaining. It's where God can use us for greater purposes. The deep is when we move into the unknown. The deep brings us more than we can handle. Giving God control means trusting without knowing the outcome.


In the deep, we walk by faith.


  • Are you staying in the shallow places?


  • Does it feel like you keep staying in one spot? Are you craving more?


  • What steps is God calling you to take? in your life? in your career? in your family? in your ministry?



- from Chapter 6 "Control"

Copyright © 2021 Jonna Yarbrough.

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