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Study Guide

This is a resource to help you break the study into sections for small group discussion.  Surrender is meant to be very personal and reflective, but it is always helpful to share our growth and struggles in community.

A printable pdf version of this guide is available on the Surrender website:



Discussion #1 - Chapters 1 & 2

Discussion #2 - Chapters 3 & 4

Discussion #3 - Chapter 5

Discussion #4 - Chapters 6 & 7

Discussion #5 - Chapters 8 & 9

Discussion #6 - Chapters 10 & 11

Discussion #7 - Chapters 12 & 13

Discussion #8 - Chapters 14 - 16

Discussion #9 - Chapters 17 & 18

Discussion # 10 - Chapter 19 and Prayer Concert

(or make prayer concert a separate time)


Basic Format

Participants will read the chapters on their own before the meeting.

1.  Begin with prayer requests and praises.

2. Pray over each other and the requests. Give thanks for the praises.

3.  Testimony - Open the floor for testimony from the week. These can be related to the study or anything else.

4.  Discussion - Questions and topics are provided for each discussion time, but allow the Spirit to lead as each person shares their personal revelation and experience with the study.

5.  Pray.



- from the "Group Study Guide"

 full pdf version available on RESOURCES page

Copyright © 2021 Jonna Yarbrough.

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