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  • Writer's pictureJonna

Wave My Palm

Wave My Palm

When Jerusalem’s road

Turns into Calvary’s load

Will I still wave the palm?

When the King we sought

Was not the Kingdom He brought

Will I still wave the palm?

Revelation shows

A crowd in white-washed robes

And they still wave the palms.

Because Calvary, behold

Is a Victory Road

And the King we praise

Returned in three days.

So today is the day

Because the price was paid

Let us all raise our palms!

When the hours are long

Desperate to end all wrong

I will still wave the palm.

When my life is grand

But Jesus draws in the sand

I will still wave the palm.

When the last are first

And He exposes my worst

I will still wave the palm.

When the life I live

I’m required to give

I will still wave the palm.

When my faith is small

And life towers tall

I will still wave the palm.

When miracles delay

After His will I pray

I will still wave the palm.

When the path seems absurd

But my light is The Word

I will still wave the palm.

When I don’t know my part

But His Word burns in my heart

I will still wave the palm.

With a valley ahead

He anoints my head

I will still wave the palm.

My Shepherd, My King

Creator of all things.

Savior and Friend

The Beginning and End.

For You alone, I wave my palm!


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