Lovin' Life

Our lives, our bodies are a gift. Get active. Eat well.
Love your life!

Monthly Challenges

Don't forget to reward yourself for your accomplishments!
Each month you can earn a Casual Coupon for participating in our Challenge. You will also be entered to win our grand prize at the end of the year. You will earn one entry for each month of participation.
These monthly challenges will include some small, but effective, healthy habits. The challenge is to commit to incorporating each new habit into your daily routine throughout that month. If you can keep it going for 30 days, it will likely become more natural and hopefully turn into a positive piece of your normal routine.
Your commitment is simple. Just agree to try your best to do the challenge through the whole month. If the challenge is a little meager for you, feel free to ramp it up to meet your personal needs. I would encourage you to team up for these things.
Get one or two, even three, accountablility partners. Check in on each other. Remember we are are Lovin' Life together.

Look Who's Lovin' Life...

How to join the challenge
If you are up for a Challenge, just email Jonna to get started.
Brand new school year! Brand new start!
We begin each school year with new hopes, new ideas, and a new chance to change the world through our students. It's a time of transition and change.
Our health is an essential piece of our success. It determines how long our motivation and energy can sustain us - Are you hoping for Christmas? maybe Fall Break? at least one good week!
Working with students requires a lot, and all of you give A LOT. We need our health for this level of giving. But, let me flip your focus a little from the norm.
Often in considering our health, we get out the mirrors. We look at our bodies, our numbers, our efforts, our goals. It's very self-focused as we aim for the "selfie" we desire the world to see. We stare at these things and work to change them. We put in huge efforts toward planning, exercising, and eating a certain way (or at least we think about those plans). Then, we get tired. Some of those things we hold onto as habits; some people do better than others; but we all face a struggle here. When we feel the weight of that struggle, we hide. We withhold our talents; we withdraw from some people or encounters; we cover up our insecurity with all kinds of things.
Here's the flip.
I don't believe we were designed to carry such a strong "self" focus. We were made to give and live outward, with others in mind above ourselves. The media and self-help promotions drive you to stare at yourself, but I think there is a much bigger reason that our efforts crumble or dissappoint in the end. The purpose of life is not to succeed in capturing the perfect "selfie". It's not even just for you to "feel" wonderful about yourself everyday. We were made for more than that.
Your health is a component of living. When you don't feel good - sick, stressed, bloated, tired- that's all you can think about (yourself). We push past those things when we need to, for the sake of others, but what if....
What if you ate, slept, exercised, and made good health choices - for others?
What if your health was about fulfilling your role and purpose for the others around you?
What if you ate what you needed and less of what you don't, because you're thankful that you have those choices?
What if you got up and moved with your students (and your own family) because you enjoy them?
What if you felt more comfortable in your own skin so you could be more aware of the people around you? (Which also means "the numbers" are not the real goal.)
Those are some "what if's" that I consider and struggle with personally.
The challenge is for you to change your approach to daily choices:
on behalf of others, in consideration of others, so you can give to others.
You are certainly going to benefit as a result, but we can be more effective for ourselves and for those around us with this flip in our perspective.
Aim for the "Un-selfie". What will your lens capture? Picture it.
Who are your healthy choices for? Who makes your life worth living?
What fun are you having with your people? What are you giving and sharing?
For added (optional) fun:
Along with our new "Lovin' Life - MCES Wellness" Facebook page, we are going to share our journey, our focus, our "Un-Selfies". Take a picture of someone or something that represents who you live for. Who are you loving, serving, playing with?
Post it on FB to the Lovin' Life page. use #unselfie
Share it. Post it. #unselfie
More importantly, Live it.
Let me know if you plan to take the "Un-Selfie" Challenge as you begin a new school year.
There's nothing to tally or track, just flip your focus.
August Participants
Natalie McCaslin
Haley McCaslin
Dori Hewitt
Lisa Neal
Summer is coming to a close, so let's make the most of the last weeks of local
fruits and veggies!
"Perimeter" shopping at the grocery store is a great tip to help focus your nutrition on fresh, more natural options.
The dairy, meat, and produce areas are on the outer aisles, leaving more of the canned and boxed items to the middle. Planning the majority of your grocery list with items from the fresh, outer areas is a quick way to gear your diet to healthier options.
This month, use the perimeter tip as you plan your meals.
The challenge is to have one dinner each week that uses only "perimeter" items.
WAIT! Don't tune me out, yet. It's a little easier than you think.
Sometimes we just need a new outlook on the classics. :)
Taco Night is a perfect example:
Use lean ground beef or chicken breasts. (Skip the taco seasoning packet)
Season with salt, pepper, and cumin. (There are also some good southwest blends of spices in the spice aisle that don't have the fillers and sodium of the packets.)
Sour cream and cheese
Lettuce, tomatoes, avocado - (You can even boost the ground beef with some bell pepper)
Fresh salsa - homemade or a fresh one from the produce aisle.
* Extra boost - Make it taco salads instead of using a tortilla.
That will help you focus on the veggie part of the meal.
Frozen veggies are great, too. The main idea is to venture away from the pre-made, processed dinners. There are valuable things in the middle of the grocery store,
but it's good for us to "live on the edge". :)
For optional Facebook fun = Cook it. Post it. #perimetermeal #lovinlife
More importantly, Live it.
Let me know if you plan to take the "Perimeter Meal" Challenge during September..
September Participants
Candyce Brooks
Natalie McCaslin
Kathy Stuard
Lora Waters
Haley McCaslin
Jennifer McFaul
October - Ramp It Up!
August- "Un-Selfie" Challenge
It's Fall!
It's time for a whole new set of activities.
It's a great time of year, but our traditions and tendencies in this season often move toward comfort foods and couches. Those are wonderful things, but we do need to be aware of those changes and prepare for how it impacts our health.
We are going to Ramp It Up! this month to beat the sendentary slump of colder weather.
There are three key components to a fitness routine: F.I.T.
F - Frequency
I - Intensity
T- Time
Choose at least one of these things to "Ramp Up" this month.
Frequency - You could add in an extra work out, walk, or stretch routine to your week.
(If you don't have any of the above, you could start one. - even if it's just one a week)
Intensity - Bump up your speed, add some weight to your strength training, or choose
some more strenuous activities
Time - Add 10 minutes to your routine or spend more of your time on the more difficult
parts of your routine
Take advantage of your time during Fall Break. Try a new activity for yourself or with your family. Take time for a new adventure, an extra walk, or a trip to the park.
Maybe just turn up the radio and Ramp It Up with a dance party.
If you want any more personalized advice or suggestions, I would be glad to help.
For optional Facebook fun = Share a pic of your efforts or Fall Break action
#rampitup #lovinlife
Let me know if you plan to take the "Ramp It Up!" Challenge during October..
September - "Perimeter Meals" Challenge
October Participants
Dori Hewitt
Haley McCaslin
Elizabeth Bearden
Shae Harrison
Natalie McCaslin
Lisa Neal
Lora Waters
Michelle Hart
Heather Burkeen
Jennifer McFaul
Candyce Brooks
This challenge will not only boost your fitness, but it will reduce your stress.
Shopping trips will surely increase over the next several weeks, and the parking lots will be packed. People will do crazy things to pull in to the closest spots.
- Dirty looks, beeping horns, and even dented fenders -
Save yourself from the drama. Park at the back.
Choose the end of the row; instead of the end choosing you.
You'll be surprised how free you feel.
And, you will probably have lots of options in the back of the lot (well, maybe not on
Black Friday).
Instead of circling the rows stalking every exiting shopper, cruise into an open spot
with a smile on your face. Walk a few extra steps for your own health and sanity.
Make it your goal to park in the back for at least this month.
For optional Facebook fun =
Share a pic of your new-found freedom in the back of the lot. #parkit #lovinlife
Let me know if you plan to take the "Park It" Challenge during November.
November - Park It
November Participants
Lisa Neal
Natalie McCaslin
Kim Trotter
Theresa Arms
Candyce Brooks
Kathy Stuard
Suzanne Wolard
Katie Harris
Holiday Season - Tradition on a Mission
Instead of just a December Challenge, this is a "holiday" edition.
This challenge can go in a variety of directions, and possibly, support more than one aspect of your health. You can choose to focus on physical, emotional, or spiritual. (Most likely all will benefit from your efforts.)
The challenge: Create a new tradition that is focused on an action. (or revamp an old one)
Many of our holiday traditions are centered around food. That's fun, but let's mix it up. Let's add something new this year that breaks us out of our turkey comas a bit. :)
Physical Mission - Think of a fun family activity that gives everyone a little movement.
- a dance-off or walk outdoors
Emotional Mission - Spend some intentional time as a family, truly enjoying each other's company.
- a no-technology afternoon/evening or family board games
Spiritual Mission - Find a new way to focus on the "reason for the season" or a way to serve others.
- special time reading from the Bible, buying/delivering gifts for those in need,
serving a meal, or maybe some random acts of kindness
Don't forget New Year's Eve/Day for this challenge. Last year my family started a new tradition for the beginning of the year: We decorated a shoe box and each wrote a prayer and commitment for 2015. We sealed the prayers in an envelope, and this year we will open them and consider the blessings and changes we have seen. Then, we can begin again for 2016.
For optional Facebook fun =
Share a pic of your new tradition. #traditiononamission #lovinlife
Let me know if you plan to take the "Tradition on a Mission" Challenge during the holidays.
Click HERE for Holiday Eating Tips.
Holiday Season Participants
Lisa Neal
Kim Trotter
Natalie McCaslin
Jennifer McFaul
January is the perfect time for fresh starts and new beginnings. After a holiday season full of goodies and splurges, let's simplify our pantries and fridges.
It's time to let the sugary packages disappear and stock our kitchen with some wholesome goodness. - Clean Sweep
The word "healthy" means different things to different people, especially with all the fad diets.
If you have particular dietary needs/allergies, you would certainly begin with those guidelines.
Aside from that, I would suggest you focus on "real" foods. There are lots of "low fat" types of items all over the grocery store, but that is more about marketing than anything else.
"Real" foods are foods that are in their purest form. Look for grocery items with 5 or less ingredients (ingredients you can pronounce and idenitify). Long lists of ingredients and strange words are a red flag indication that a food has been highly processed. Avoid these processed foods.
This might need to be a gradual change for you, but every little bit helps.
(The effects of some of these common additives and preservatives are getting increased attention in the United States, but the food industry is tough to fight. Some other countries have banned ingredients that we consume every day.)
Clearing your kitchen might seem like an overwhelming task, but our daily meals and choices begin with what we stock in our kitchen. Here are some suggestions to help you get started:
Tip 1 - Let the packages you have currently, dwindle and don't replace them.
You don't have to throw out food, but don't replace the oreos with more oreos.
Tip 2 - Perimeter foods
We had the Perimeter shopping challenge in September. The best options at the grocery
store are generally located around the perimeter of the store: dairy, produce, meats.
You can get most of your basics from this outer area.
Tip 3 - Focus on fruits and veggies. (organic, when you can)
If you buy and eat the daily recommendation of fruits and veggies, you won't be as hungry
for other random snacks.
Tip 4 - Plan your food and meals for the week and shop once.
The grocery store can be inticing. If you make a list and stick to it, you are less likely to
add in some extras. You might need a quick trip or two during the week for fresh
fruits or veggies, but try to avoid mulitple trips.
Tip 5 - Join us for the Nutrition Class with Registered Dietician, Emily Beech
Wednesday, January 13th 3:45-4:30.
The class is called "Your Healthy Eating Plan - Getting Started"
(This site is full of information and recipes: 100 days of Real Food)
Clean Sweep your kitchen as you begin a new year!
For optional Facebook fun =
Share a pic of your healthy groceries. #cleansweep #lovinlife
Let me know if you plan to take the "Clean Sweep" Challenge for January.
January - Clean Sweep
January Participants
Natalie McCaslin
Michelle Hart
Katie Harris
Lisa Neal
Kim Trotter
Melissa Johnson
MEASURING. We are consumed by it.
Time. Calories. Points. Grades. Data. Prices. How many? How much? When? What size?
We weren't really made for all this measuring, but our world requires it.
There is one thing, though - the most important thing - that can't be measured.
You can never have too much or give too much.
Even the smallest bit can do miraculous things.
Love is never wasted. It reaps benefits for all and has a natural reciprocation.
It's February. We can't escape the measuring. The next few weeks will have even more than normal.
But, we can wrap it all in Love. Approach it with Love. Let Love win.
Give an extra hug before school.
Flash an extra smile in the hallway.
Throw up an unexpected high-five.
Pop a random "thank you" for a kind deed.
Trade a gripe for a compliment.
Add a note to a lunchbox.
February is full of hearts and sweets, but Love doesn't need a candy coating or Hallmark message.
Let's bring some real Love to this month!
You are Loved - without measure; beyond measure.
Let's all share Love Without Meaure!
For optional Facebook fun =
#lovewithoutmeasure #lovinlife
Let me know if you plan to take the "Love Without Measure" Challenge during February.

February - Love Without Measure
February Participants
Lisa Neal
Natalie McCaslin
Heather Burkeen
Cathy Riggins
Jennifer McFaul
Melissa Johnson
Kim Trotter
Haley McCaslin
Kathy Stuard
Katie Harris
Tammy Parchman
Candyce Brooks
Michelle Hart
Suzanne Wolard
March- "D-Light-Full" Challenge

Spring is coming!!!!!
We will still have some frigid temps mixed in, but the sun is stirring up some new life.
And...recess outdoors!...hooray!
Your body needs sunlight. The winter months can make us more sluggish, and part of that is our lack of sun. Your body NEEDS the sun. One of the biggest reasons is Vitamin D.
Vitamin D is essential to a range of functions. Many other vitamins or useless without the support of Vitamin D. It's also a unique vitamin, because your body can make it - on it's own without a food source.
When your body is exposed to sunlight, it creates Vitamin D. You can also get Vitamin D from foods or supplements, but there is no substitute for sunlight.
Sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D.
Quick tip - We know the importance of sunscreen to protect us during extended time in the sun. If possible, it's actually better to wait 15-20 minutes before applying sunscreen so your body can spend some time absorbing the benefits of the sun. We need to proect against sunburns, but a complete block is not ideal.
This month take advantage of the milder temps and go outside as much as possible - every day that the weather permits.
Our families and students need it, too, so let's be intentional about getting out and enjoying the sun.
How "D-Light-Full"!!!
For optional Facebook fun =
#d-light-full #lovinlife
Let me know if you plan to take the "D"-Light-Full Challenge during March.

March Participants
Jennifer McFaul
Michelle Hart
Natalie McCaslin
Katie Harris
Haley McCaslin
Kathy Stuard
Lisa Neal
Loretta Story
End of Year - Shake It Off!
We are in the final weeks of the school year, and the stress is rising.
You have already accomplished so much - and survived so much!
The next few weeks are packed and the calendar is covered in assignments, assessments, and celebrations.
Stress builds. I'm betting that you can still feel the load of the previous months still weighing on your mind and body. That stress affects your health.
Not only are we entering these last days with an energy deficit, but we know from experience the effort that is required at the end of the year.
There is hope.
There is something that can have immediate and lasting benefits.
There is an action that melts stress.
There is a motion that literally sends the stress into the stratosphere.
No talent required.
Go behind closed doors if you have to, but SHAKE IT OFF!
You won't feel like it. You'll have to make yourself begin, but you'll feel the lift in a matter of seconds.
There is one more thing that will take this to the next level.
Music. (Music alone can have a big impact.)
So, the perfect combo = my fitness prescription for the days ahead.
Dance + Music
You know that most of the stressors you will face are far beyond your control, but your health is all yours.
So, when you feel the blood pressure rising and the energy dropping -
Bonus: SHAKE IT OFF! with your students. Brain Breaks are good for all of us.
Let me know if you plan to take the Shake It Off! Challenge.
End of Year Participants