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simple word with a broad reach
universal and also unique

valued but often overlooked
My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.  Psalm 139:15
Pure Marine Collagen
The HUGH & GRACE COLLAGEN is produced exclusively from farmed fish that are not exposed to pesticides, fertilizers, or growth hormones and accelerators. The farming process is monitored, controlled and inspected. 
The collagen is from a fast-growing fish species farmed in pristine waters.
Thus HUGH & GRACE COLLAGEN does not have any of the impurities that can be associated with collagen derived from longer living animals that are fed GMO grains, given growth accelerators, and that have been exposed to terrestrial contaminants.
Hugh & Grace has a Pure Marine Collagen that has ONE ingredient - no fillers.
I've not found any other product as pure as this one for collagen.
It includes Type I, II, III.

After the age of 30, your body stops producing collagen, but it's essential to many things:  joints, bones, muscles, blood, skin, hair.
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no taste
dissolves clear
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