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simple word with a broad reach
universal and also unique

valued but often overlooked
My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.  Psalm 139:15
Burning calories, building muscle, strengthening bones, boosting cardio
All the things! - So it sounds daunting.
These resources will help you make a reasonable - but productive - plan.
Never underestimate the power of a good walk. Routines of walking are awesome for wellness, especially outdoors when possible.
Stretching also helps your body on multiple levels. Find a routine time of day - maybe morning or evening to do basic stretches from head to toe. You will notice a difference over time in your flexibility and muscles tension.
HIIT Workout


- as little as 15 minutes
- bang for your buck
- full body workout
- no gym needed
- little or no equipment
- personalized
This book explains it all and helps you make your own workout.
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amazon affiliate link

This timer app will help you with the HIIT Workout.
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This app has SO MANY exercises!
It will create a workout for you with the kinds of exercises you need and prefer.
You can do a little of it for free.
There is also a SWORKT Kids that is free.
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All my favorite products and resources
- if you have questions.
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