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simple word with a broad reach
universal and also unique

valued but often overlooked
My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.  Psalm 139:15
Skin Care
Your skin is your body's largest organ. It has great absorption to take in things your body needs, but that also means it can bring in harmful things.
Cosmetics, soaps, and lotions are meant to support and protect the skin, but not all ingredients used in common products are beneficial. Most products contain chemicals that can actually be harmful. Many common ingredients are known carcinogens and endocrine disruptors. Their effects impact the health and function of your entire body and can cause numerous problems over time.
But - Healthy and safe skin care is easier than you may think.
Here are some recommendations:


Oil - for your body - and your face!
Oil is good for your skin! - all skin - even oily skin
Marketing has scared us away from a basic ingredient. "Oil-free" on everything has made us believe that oil is bad.
Oil has so many benefits and actually does things like unclog pores.
But - it does have to be the right oil, and different oils do different things.
Jojoba Oil
Jojoba oil is a basic go-to. You can use it on most anyone for face and body. 
Jojoba oil is technically an ester and is the closest thing in the plant world to the sebum that our skin produces.

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Aragan Oil
Argan oil is great for the face, especially if you tend to have dry or combination skin. It can be used alongside Jojoba oil.
Note: It might cause a reaction in people with a nut allergy.
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Another way to moisturize and add oil to your skin is through butters. Natural butters such as mango, shea, and cocoa can be blended with oils to create a smooth mixture. 
I make my own Body Butter.

Sunny Glow lotion bar circle (Logo) (1).png

4 oz. jar


Handmade by Jonna
butter and candle (4).png
Body Butter infographic (2.5 x 6 in) (2_
The search for healthy soap -
Soap should not strip away. It should feel nourishing. If you have oily or combination skin it can feel especially hard to find that balance.
Face Soap
This is a natural milk to cream face soap. Gentle for all skin types.
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Castile Soap
Castile soap is made from oils. The ingredients will list the oils used.
For body - mix 1/2 and 1/2 castile soap and water. Use a foam soap dispenser.

Also a great replacement for shaving cream.
(I only use for body.)
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- if you have questions.
All my favorite products and resources
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