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simple word with a broad reach
universal and also unique

valued but often overlooked
My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.  Psalm 139:15
Sleep is a really important part of your health.
Many of your body's basic functions require sleep. Your endocrine system is especially dependent on a healthy rest cycle to maintain hormone balance.
Memory and other basic brain function require sufficient sleep.

Magnesium helps your body in multiple ways - just one of those is sleep.
Basically everyone has a level of magnesium deficiency because we do not get enough through basic nutrition due to the depletion of minerals in our soil.  Magnesium is a mineral that is essential for healthy muscles, nerves, bones and blood sugar levels. It's best taken at night because it reduces stress and promotes relaxation.
Magnesium is absorbed really well through the skin. Just spray on torso, legs, or feet before bed. It's called "oil", but actually is water-based and dries quickly.
Note: Your body will only absorb as much magnesium as you need.
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This night supplement has multiple ingredients to support your body, specifically formulated for bedtime.
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Ingredients: magnesium, passion flower extract, lemon balm extract, L-Theanine
  • turn off technology - Screens hinder your body's natural transition to sleep.
  • read - Reading is one of the best ways to help your body slow down and prepare for rest.
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- if you have questions.
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