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simple word with a broad reach
universal and also unique

valued but often overlooked
My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.  Psalm 139:15
Supplements support your body by giving you needed nutrients that your body is not getting through nutrition or natural production.
Nutrition is often lacking due to diet choices and depletion of minerals in the earth's soil. Aging also changes the natural production of things such as collagen that our bodies need.
Supplements are healthy if sourced and used properly.
Hugh & Grace has a Pure Marine Collagen that has ONE ingredient - no fillers.
I've not found any other product as pure as this one for collagen.
It includes Type I, II, III.

After the age of 30, your body stops producing collagen, but it's essential to many things:  joints, bones, muscles, blood, skin, hair.
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Hugh & Grace  has a daily Hydrate + Detox mix that will help your skin and so much more.
The electrolytes boost your hydration with an added antioxidant to protect from oxidative stress and toxins.
And - pre and probiotics to improve gut health.
Hydration is a big key to healthy skin - Drink plenty of water.
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Morning +
Hugh & Grace has a morning and night supplement. Both are formulated to enhance energy or rest to complement that part of the day.
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Magnesium is absorbed really well through the skin. Just spray on torso, legs, or feet before bed. It's called "oil", but actually is water-based and dries quickly.
Note: Your body will only absorb as much magnesium as you need.
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